Cosmopolitan and truly diverse, Toronto offers a unique mix of events. From street festivals to theatrical productions, this city has something for everyone all year round.

Just for Laughs

July 15-19, 2009

“You see, just for a laugh, I got this idea of bringing together in one place a bunch of people who like to laugh with a bunch of people who like to make others laugh.”- Gilbert Rozon, 1983.

Gilbert Rozon decided to create a comedy extravaganza – a worldwide first – to propagate good humour and bring the gift of laughter to as many people as possible. On July 14, 1983 he launched this singular concept: Just for kicks, just for the thrill of it, just for fun and, ultimately, Just For Laughs. For four days, 16 artists performed 35 shows on four stages. Twenty five years later, nearly 2000 artists and over 2 million people take part in the event, which is broadcast to millions of faithful fans all over the world.

What’s the real reason for the ongoing success of the Festival? Our philosophy is that comedy can be reinvented year after year and that laughter is a key element in bringing together people from all walks of life.

For event and ticket information, please visit: